Some of you must be wondering why posting has been light and the promised site updates still are not up. The story is a long one, but I will keep it short. If you have been a regular reader since the start, you remember that when we launched the site it was down most of the time due to the fact that when we moved to the new condo we had frequent power failures that were keeping the server silent for days at a time. After a month or two the situation stabilized and we managed a long uninterrupted period of power. About 3 weeks ago the regular blackouts started again and we have been experiencing blackouts almost daily. On Friday we had a long conversation with the utility company, and the jest of it is that there is a huge amount of new construction in our neighborhood, and the construction companies overload the grid by illegally connecting to it and thus bring it down on a regular basis. They are doing their best to prevent this and to fine the people, but it is difficult to prove and they do the same thing again the next day. Hopefully things will improve in the coming weeks. We also plan to upgrade out server as it is starting to show the wear of all of those power peaks followed by abrupt failures. We are also looking getting a huge UPS for it and the router so that we can keep running while the power is down. We are also looking at the possibility of purchasing a cheap generator so we have stable power.
Another thing that kept us from publishing was that some unexpected urgent work showed up, and the delivery was made difficult due to the lack of power. At least we finally delivered and we will be able to resume regular postings by tomorrow and also we will be able to finish the site upgrades we were promising last week. Until then have fun in the kitchen.
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